

  • Safe and equal access to employment opportunities.
  • Increased economic growth in Shah Faisal Colony.
  • Skill development


  • 1530 women receive quality  vocational /skills building opportunities in 2021-26
  • 10% of vocational students will have decent work opportunities

The Vocational Training Program has a symbiotic relationship with RLCC’s other departments and programs. The program aims to provide skills to local women that will enhance their opportunity and capability to seek jobs in the market and therefore better avail the education and health services available for their families. The selections of skills that are taught to women are based on several criteria including local market demand, availability of teachers, and need identified by the community.



RLCC offers skills based classes that have been popular amongst local women. The most popular of these classes are for cutting and sewing which enable women to not only become self-sufficient and sew for themselves and their families, but also earn money by stitching clothes for neighbours and relatives. In 2014-15, 128 women and 2015-2016, 148 women took admissions in cutting & sewing classes.

Future Plan

The RLCC Vocational Training Centre aims to excel as a skill based training platform, and serve as a quality standard for  women of all ages looking to get training for employment purposes. Further, we hope to offer more courses that are of interest and expand our training services to other underprivileged areas in Pakistan and link it to gainful employment opportunities 


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