

  • Increased awareness regarding health & social issues.
  • Ration distribution with focus on holistic development of beneficiaries by integrating all the departments .


  • To educate 45,000 women and 5,000 children  on health and social issues through awareness sessions held by RLCC outreach department
  • To uplift the community through women & youth empowerment  and have a self sustantined shah faisal community  or to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth through women & youth empowerment

Outreach is an integral component of RLCC’s programs as it allows RLCC to maintain a personalized relationship with its recipient community. In 2011, Outreach programs started working in Shah Faisal Town’s 116 Schools and 25 local clinics with the focus of Breast Cancer,Mental Health,Child’s Safety and Life Skills based education program with community women and children.Every year, Outreach gives awareness to 10,000 women and children.  RLCC outreach programs have been running in Shah Faisal Town’s 116 schools and 25 clinics since 2011 focusing on Breast Cancer,Hepatitis,Diabetes,Child’s safety,Mental Health,Life skills Education (LSBE) and social issues.Under the slogan Ehsas-e-Zimadari.

Informs the community about RLCC’s programs and disseminates educational material and arrange free medical camps in the community.

The outreach team understands the community’s needs and is well connected with the residents of Shah  Faisal Town. Furthermore, the team ensures that the exceptionally disadvantaged are able to avail further subsidies on RLCC services. Thus already subsidized fees in the clinic and school are further discounted, for those in need. While such support is provided to women in the community, the RLCC team also encourages them to enroll in vocational training, or livelihoods so that they can start supplementing their income on a regular basis and support themselves and solve problems within their limited resources.


There are 4 outreach workers who focus on different issues such as hygiene, health, family planning and other health related issues in selected areas of Shah Faisal Town where general awareness is lacking. Field workers go to the community, identify issues, Awareness talks on sexual health with teachers, parents, and students by RLCC field workers trained by Aahung on matters related to sexual health and child sexual abuse.


Outreach refers to people in livelihoods, vocational, Health and Education.

RLCC clinics and outreach teams also provide support through a strong referral network of hospitals and specialist  consultants so that patients whose needs cannot effectively be met at our clinics can access specialized care in the city.

The outreach team has been trained to conduct basic screening of health related matters. After basic screening, RLCC staff utilizes the referrals network to ensure patients get timely and appropriate health care. The numbers of referrals are thus an important indicator of the efficiency of the outreach team’s work as they often reach people who may have otherwise not sought help. They contribute to early detection that greatly reduces the cost and scope of treatment, and sometimes even saves lives.

Future Plans

  • Clean Green initiative. 
  • Campaigns on violence against women and breast cancer awareness throughout Shah Faisal Colony. 
  • Youth club
  • Health cloud


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